April 2024
Welcome to Binge the Bible for April. We decided to do something different for this month by having our team of Focus Church biblical scholars cover this month’s topic: the covenants of the Bible. We would like to thank our contributors: Pastor Gary Nibbelink, Pastor Rodney Gish, Pastor James Daman and Carl Vanderpool.
Pastor Gary Nibbelink, B.A., Central Bible College, M.A. Biblical Literature, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
Carl Vanderpool, B.A., Central Bible College; M.Div., Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary; ThM, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary; PHD (ABD), AGTS-Evangel University
Pastor Rodney Gish, Student, Evangel University; B.A., Fort Hays (Kansas) State University; M.A., Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Springfield
Pastor James Daman, Student, Arizona School of Ministry; B.A., Northeastern State University; M.S.W., University of Oklahoma
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