Day 21: Heavenly Marriage

Read it: Revelation 19:7-9, 21:2 Live it: In Revelation 19: 7-9, the symbolism of a wedding feast represents Christ coming to claim his bride, which is the church. That’s us! This wedding feast of the Lamb occurs after the rapture of the church and before Christ’s...

Day 17: Love is..

Read it: 1 Corinthians 13:4–8 Live it: We often hear this scripture read at weddings, but I once heard it at a funeral. It was the funeral of Datha, a dedicated member of Focus Church’s Dream Team. One of Datha’s lasting legacies was helping establish a...

Day 16: Aquila and Priscilla

Read it: Acts 18:1-4; Romans 16:3-5 Live it: There isn’t much biblical material about Aquila and Priscilla. What we know about them from the Acts passage is that they were Jews deported from Rome when Claudius Caesar conducted a mass deportation of Jews. They were...