Read it: Genesis 2:18-25; Genesis 3:1-13
Live it: Adam and Eve, a story that almost everybody knows. The story tells us what the beginning was like and how human kind failed to follow God’s orders. But we rarely see this story being used in the context of how to lead a marriage. In the story, we see failed communication and how not having boundaries can lead us to doing the opposite of what God asked us to do.
In this world, there are a lot of voices that will say did God really say that? In today’s society, it seems that people don’t even believe in the concept of marriage anymore, or everyone thinks that they have the best advice around. But the truth is, only God has the words of life that we need to help our marriages thrive. We need to be careful who we share our relationship issues with. It’s very easy to take advice from outside sources. That’s why we need to build guard rails. Make sure we talk to people who have spiritual wisdom to lead us. That way we will not be deceived the way Adam and Eve were.
Ps Franky