Day 13: Baptism and Temptation
Read it: Matthew 3 – 4:17
List it:
At most concerts, the HEADLINER band will be the main feature. The bands that perform before the HEADLINER are the OPENING ACTS. In today’s reading John the Baptist plays the role of OPENING ACT for Jesus, the HEADLINER. Jesus asks John the Baptist to do something he is reluctant to do. Jesus wants to be baptized by John. John, with reluctance, agrees to perform this ritual for Jesus.
When Jesus comes up out of the waters of baptism, God speaks from Heaven, and the dove of the Holy Spirit descends and rests upon Jesus. God proclaimed Jesus was his Son and he was well pleased with him.
After this event, Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness for forty days. There he underwent testing and temptation, over which he was victorious. This qualified him to become a sinless sacrifice for our sins. God has a gift for you – salvation through the blood of Jesus.
Ps. Rodney