Focus314 Church

Day 15: Parable of the Sower

Day 15: Parable of the Sower 

Read it: Matthew 13:1-23 & Mark 3-4 & Luke 8:4-15

Live it: 

The teachings of Jesus are fundamental to the Christian faith. One of the major teaching methods Jesus used was in the telling of parables. A parable is simply a story that reveals a truth about God’s Kingdom. 

There are many powerful parables, but one that we will highlight in our daily reading is traditionally known as “The Parable of the Sower.” In this parable, Jesus breaks down the 4 steps that each person must take on their Christian journey of faith. Step 1. Know God. Step 2. Find Freedom. Step 3. Discover your Purpose. Step 4. Make a Difference.

Not only does Jesus teach us the step we each must take, he also teaches us the distractions that keep us from fulfilling each step. 

As you read this parable, ask yourself what step you are on. Ask yourself if you are being distracted from fulfilling the life that God has for you. 

 Ps. Darren