Focus314 Church

Day 16 Death and Resurrection of Jesus

Read: John 19-21 ; Matthew 27:32-61; 28:1-10

Today’s reading is about the death and resurrection of Jesus. The whole Bible centers itself on this event. It is the central theme of the gospels. It was the central theme of the preaching and teaching of the apostles. It remains the center of the gospel proclamation today. Without the cross and the empty tomb, there is nothing different about Christianity.

As you read the accounts of this event in the Gospel of John and the Gospel of Matthew, you might think you are reading about two different events. There are things about this event that John writes about and Matthew does not and vice versa. Not to worry. They are writing about the same event. It’s a little like different people who eyewitness an event (car accident, bank robbery, wedding) and give different accounts of what happened. The best way to read about these events is to realize that all that is recorded in the gospels happened, but not every writer recorded everything.

As an added challenge, just using the accounts in Matthew and John, try to construct a timeline that includes everything recorded by each of them. After you do that, google a harmony of the gospels concerning the death and resurrection of Jesus and see how close you came. It should be fun.

-Ps. Rodney