Read it: Psalm 9:1-2, Acts 9:1-19
Live it:
Have you ever had a chance meeting with someone from your past who talked about a memory they had of an event you shared, an event you had not thought of for years and probably would not have remembered without your friend reminding you of it? I have had that happen quite a few times. People will ask me if I remember saying “…” Of course, I don’t remember saying it at all, and truth be told, I probably never said it, at least not quite the way they remember it.
In the very brief reading from the Psalms, the psalmist is exalting God and basking in God’s goodness and favor. The Acts account is of one of those very memorable events. Saul, the great persecutor of the church, is personally confronted by Jesus. That confrontation altered the direction of Saul of Tarsus for the rest of his life. The great persecutor became the great propagator of the faith. Have you had a life changing encounter with Jesus?
Do it:
Think about the past experiences that you are grateful for, specifically the memories of the experiences that you are grateful for, the ones that were taken away. Now, visualize those memories being given back to you as a gift. How grateful are you for the gift of them? Will it help you enjoy each moment as it comes?
Pastor Rod