Day 19: Life with the Spirit and Fruit of the Spirit
Read it: Romans 8 & Galatians 5:16-6:10
Live it:
In today’s readings, the apostle Paul talks about life in the Spirit. In Romans 8, he describes the difference between life in the spirit and life controlled by sinful nature. Those choosing to live according to the Spirit have a great and glorious future to look forward to. The glory of their future far outweighs the sacrifices and sufferings necessary to live life according to the Spirit. In the great crescendo in Romans 8:28-39, Paul encourages us with the fact that life according to the Spirit leads to our being “more than conquerors.”
The Galatians passage actually catalogs the behaviors of the sinful nature and contrasts them with the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT. We are admonished, “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Again the apostle builds this great crescendo by declaring that life in the Spirit leads to doing good to all.
Nurture the fruit of the Spirit, and do everything possible to avoid being controlled by the sinful nature.
Ps. Rodney