Focus314 Church

Day 20 Praise the Lord!

Read it- Psalm 150

Live it- 

How fitting it is that the last devotional of Sola Gratia should be on Psalm 150. Look at all the ways the psalmist tells us to praise God. He starts by saying “Just do it!” Just praise the Lord! 

But, maybe you are like me and come back with why should I? The psalmist has some answers for us.

  1. Praise God because you have a church family and a place to worship with that family. I can honestly say that I do not value our place of worship and our time of worship together enough.
  2. Praise God because he rules and reigns in the heavens. God rules! That means I can trust him! I will praise because I trust!
  3. Praise God because of his actions in your life. One of the greatest spiritual disciplines anyone can create is to record the wonderful actions God does in our lives. I have to look back over my life and rejoice because of the great things he has done.
  4. Praise God because he is great! Here the author designs for us to think of God’s greatness. He is greater than the universe (He created it). He is greater than the HOA! He is greater than the government! He is greater than our sin! Oh, thank God that he is greater than my sin. I have eternal life because of what he has done! Praise the Lord!
  5. Praise God with every instrument you have. That could be a musical one. That could be your hands clapping together. That could be with your feet dancing before the Lord with joy and humility. That could be just beating on a drum or cymbal. And, although every pastor of music hates this instrument, praise Him with a tambourine! 
  6. Finally, if you have any breath left after this, go ahead and quietly praise the Lord by just being in his presence.

Sola Gratia is all about being in God’s presence and enjoying Him forever. Are you ready? If you can’t wait, why not start right now? Praise the Lord …
