Read it- Genesis 12:1-9; 15:1-6; 22:1-19
Live it-
Today, we finish Luther’s emphasis on Sola Fide, salvation by faith alone. Pastor Rod challenged us to know what faith is through the great heroes of the faith. Now, we will look at Abraham, one of those heroes of the faith, who was “The Father of Faith.”
In the first two readings God promises Abraham that God would protect him, give him land for his descendants, and give him a son not through adoptive means but through Abraham’s own marriage. Wow! How great would your faith be if God promised you all these things?
But Abraham was also a fallible man. Twice he gave his wife away in order not to be killed. Twice he left the promised land because of hardship. He even slept with a “surrogate” woman to have a son. That did not work out very well for all parties involved. But, then chapter 22 happens.
If God came down today and asked you to sacrifice your “promised” child, would you do it? That is exactly what God asked: Abraham, go sacrifice the child you waited 100 years for, the one I promised would fulfill all your dreams, the one who will be your heir, the one you love.
How much faith in God do you need to do that? First, to sacrifice your children is blasphemy to God. He states in the Old Testament Law never to do that.
Second, I’m sure Abraham thought that this is the only son I have! How can I give him up? How can you ask me to give him up?
The rest of the story is about God rescuing Isaac from death; however, the Father did not rescue His Only Begotten Son, Jesus, from His sacrificial death.
Nevertheless, God asks us to trust him. He asks us to have faith in him.
He who sacrificed His own Son … will He not do for you all that you ask in the Son’s name if you will have faith in Him?