Focus314 Church

Day 9: Esther and Xerxes

Read it: Esther 4:4-17; Esther 7:1-10

Live it: 

Who are your friends? 

Whom do you allow close to you?

This is a wild account of how someone close to you can try and drive a wedge between you and your spouse. Haman, and his selfish ambitions, didn’t care about King Xerxes or Queen Esther. He simply cared about himself. This person caused so much anguish and unneeded drama for the King and Queen. 

There are 3 major qualifications that Pastor Jenni and I have for anyone we allow into our personal lives: 

  1. Do they love Jesus?
  2. Do they love me?
  3. Do they love my spouse?

Follow those qualifications, and it will save you from anguish and unneeded drama. 

Ps Darren