Focus314 Church

April 15 – Day 14: Paul and Silas

Read it-  Acts 16:16-40 

Live it- When I was younger, I fell into a deep depression. It was so deep I built my own prison out of it. I remember going to church thinking that by just sitting there I will feel better. But then I soon realized that wasn’t going to help my situation. One night we had a worship night at church. I remember the pastor said, “Let’s pray for those who are going through a spiritual valley.”

 I remember someone praying for me, but I still felt the same. After prayer we began a time of worship. I remember my best friend hugging me, and we started worshiping like never before. Let me tell you, that’s when the real deliverance began to happen! The  walls of depression came down hard. I felt so light after that worship service. It was then that I truly recognized the power of prayer and worship. 

If you feel like you’re locked up in a prison, I invite you to pray and worship like never before. You’ll feel the power of God move, and just like they did for Paul and Silas, the walls will come down and the chains will break by the power of The Holy Spirit.

-Ps. Franky