Read It:
Luke 2:8-14, Psalm 150 & 1 Corinthians 15:51-52
Live It:
We’ve heard the story of the birth of Jesus many times, especially this time of the year. From Charlie Brown to The Chosen, they all tell the story using their own unique perspective. However, Luke shows us the perspective the shepherds had as eyewitnesses to the birth of Jesus. In Luke 2:8-14, they experienced something that no one else has seen or experienced since the beginning of time: they got to experience first hand, a remarkable celestial event.
The shepherds got to experience heaven praising God. The angels in heaven had already been praising God, but at this moment they had a new reason to do it. Can you imagine what that sounded like? Luke reminds us to praise God. Psalms help us remember how to praise him, and our final scripture in 1 Corinthians reminds us of the sounds we will hear when Christ returns. What a glorious day that will be!
Pastor James