Read it: 2 Corinthians 5:17 & Ephesians 2:10 & Romans 6:4
Live it:
Ever wish life had a delete button like the one on your computer? I think all of us have at one time or another, especially when cringe-worthy thoughts of our past sins pop into our minds.
That is why today’s scriptures are so powerful. When we became Christians, God hit the delete button on our past. He not only hit the delete button, he made those files “not recoverable.” We may be living with the consequences of past sins, but those sins have been permanently removed from our files. When God looks at us now, he sees Christ’s righteousness instead of our past sins.
How is that for good news? Christ exchanged his righteousness for our sins. We are a new creation, and God calls us his masterpiece! We are meticulously handcrafted by the creator of the universe to carry out plans and purposes that He specifically designed for each of us. Ask God to enable you through the power of the Holy Spirit to carry out His plans and purposes for today.
And never forget who you are in him: I am a new creation! I am a masterpiece! God has good plans for my life!