Read it: Romans 8:1-2
Live it:
In today’s reading, we will see that there is “No condemnation for those who are in Jesus Christ.” This verse is very powerful and will help us in our toughest days. The enemy does not want us to live in God’s truth. He wants God’s children to continue the cycle of self-sabotage. He wants us to think that our past dictates our future. The Bible and I are here to tell you that he is liar!
What we must keep in mind daily is that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice on the cross and washed our shame away once and for all. That through his spirit we have been made new. That by his power we have been set free! We must remember that you and I have been purchased and washed by his blood. We are loved and chosen by the Father. Adopted into his family through his spirit.
Ps. Franky