Read it – John 14:1-14 NLT
Live it –
It is the final week before the Crucifixion of Jesus. He has just predicted that Peter would deny Him three times. Then in an effort to comfort his disciples and bolster their faith, He encourages them to not be troubled and assures them that there is plenty of room in the Father’s house to accommodate them. He promised to return for them and declared that they already knew where He was going.
Thomas protested that they did not know where Jesus was going. Jesus answered Thomas’ protest with this lofty reply in John 14:6: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”
With that pithy but powerful retort Jesus made it clear that there is only one way to access the Father. That is through the person of Jesus Christ. That truth still holds today. No matter how many ways people propose, there is only one way to God. That is the person of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Rod