Focus314 Church

Day 12- A Vision of Christ

Read it- Revelation 1:9-18 NLT

Live it-

This is the last of the devotionals on Christ Alone. As Pastor Gary noted, Luther was fighting against the Roman Catholic understanding that Jesus’s salvation-work only took care of part of the sin problem: that we have to do good works in order to be saved. Luther stood for Christ being the only mediator between God and humanity with His death being the perfect substitutionary sacrifice for all humanity. So why this picture of Jesus Christ in Revelation 1?

This vision portrays Christ as the heavenly priest, the ruler of eternity, and the final judge of all creation. Notice that Jesus sits among the seven golden lampstands. The lampstands are a picture of the Holy Spirit within the Temple of David (Ex 25, & 37; Num 8 but especially Zech 4:2-10). The lampstands translate into the New Kingdom. Jesus is standing in the midst of His people, the Church. Here, Jesus is communicating that through the Spirit He is standing in the midst of His lampstands, the churches of today! What a comfort that Jesus is with us.

But wait, the vision doesn’t stop there! Notice how Jesus is dressed. His robe goes all the way to the floor and a golden sash crosses his chest. These symbolize Jesus ruling the world. A sash’s color often determined rank and position in Jesus’s earthly days. Gold could then only be worn by the ruler of the land. What an implication for us! Jesus is ruling the earth! Apply that to our current situation: Jesus is ruling in America even if we don’t see it! Jesus is ruling in Europe and Asia and Africa and even in my neighborhood. The problem is the church is not acting like it by falling before Jesus in prayer and obedience. John did just that in verse 17. After he saw who Jesus was, John bowed himself before the Son, God incarnate.

How will we change the world? Not through politics (although you should exercise your right to vote). Not through war. Not through anger or fighting or any other strategy of the world. We do not fight against flesh and blood, but our battle is in the spiritual realm where right now Jesus the Christ reigns supreme. You also rule and reign with Him in the spiritual realm. So, how will you pray to Jesus alone? What will you ask from the one and only King? What great promise will you stand on? For it is Christ alone who rules and reigns over all!
