Read it: Malachi 3:10, 1 John 3:17, Job 1:13-19
Live it:
On the fifth day of the November Reading Challenge, Kathie gave us such great insight on how to be thankful for our material possessions. They are a gift from God to be used to build God’s Kingdom.
What an incredible privilege to be able to use our gifts of God to help build the Kingdom of God.
But what a heartbreak it would be to no longer have those resources that we once had to help build the Kingdom of God. What once was a joyful privilege is now a heartbreaking tragedy.
Like Kathie, our home is filled with active ministry on almost a daily basis. It is a joy to have so much activity in our home, and it would be such a heartache to miss out on giving back to God what he has so richly blessed us.
My prayer is that no one reading this will experience the heartache that Job experienced.
My prayer is that no one reading this will have a realization, through heartache, that you have missed the opportunity, and privilege, to help build the Kingdom of God.
Do it:
Think about the material possessions that you are grateful for. Review the list that you wrote down on Day 5. Now, visualize those possessions being taken away from you. How would you process that? What support would you need? What would you need to do about it?
Pastor Darren