Focus314 Church

Day 13 I am victorious

Read it: Romans 8:37
Live it:

One of my biggest struggles when I surrendered my life to Christ was being able to walk a life of forgiveness. How can I walk in that truth if I knew how messed up I was? It was difficult even to share the good news of the gospel. But God in His love and mercy would constantly remind me that I was forgiven. Jesus made a way for me to have a relationship with Him so I can understand that I was no longer defined by my past, BUT now I am defined by Him who called me. I have an opportunity to live in freedom that allows me to worship Him and live for Him.

Being victorious is a choice. We choose to walk in victory, not because of what we do or who we are but because of who He is and what He did for us. Today’s scripture reminds us of that. Overwhelming victory is ours through Christ.

Make that choice of walking in that truth. You are victorious!

Ps. Rafael