Read it: Matthew 8:14-17; 1 Corinthians 9:5
Live it:
Jesus was full of love and compassion for the hurting and sick. Matthew tells us how Jesus saw a need and ministered to it immediately, healing Peter’s mother-in-law from a fever. More sick people were brought to him that evening, and Jesus healed them all. Each healing was a demonstration of the authority given to Jesus by God. What a faith builder that must have been for everyone present, including Peter’s wife.
We see Peter’s wife mentioned again by Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians. This indicates that Peter probably took his wife with him on some of his travels. Beyond that, the Bible doesn’t give details on what her ministry role was, but we know she worked alongside her husband supporting him in his role.
As believers we all have a ministry role to fulfill. Some roles are out front while others are behind the scenes, and all are important and necessary.
Whether you are married or single, you are called to work alongside others where God has placed you, in a ministry role he has designed just for you.
Praise God today for the ministry role he has given you. If you haven’t yet identified your role, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to show you where you fit. Together, we can accomplish God’s purposes for our individual and collective ministries.