Read it: Luke 1:5-25; Luke 1:57-66
Live it:
Zechariah and Elizabeth were both PKs (Priest’s kids). Elizabeth was unable to have children, and both Zechariah and Elizabeth were old. Our passage says they were “righteous in God’s eyes.” One day Zechariah was on his rotation to serve in the temple. While he was busy with the ceremonial burning of incense, an angel appeared. Zechariah’s world was shaken, but the angel calmed his fears. That was until the angel told him the message from God. That message was that Elizabeth would give Zechariah a son. That message rendered Zechariah mute for nine months.
As a matter of fact, Zechariah could not speak until the child was named. Because Zechariah and Elizabeth were obedient to the angelic message and named their son John (the Baptist), Zechariah’s ability to speak was returned to him.
This story speaks of the importance of obedience to God and the resulting blessings couples can enjoy if they are fully committed to obedience.
Pastor Rod