Read it: 1 Corinthians 13:4–8
Live it:
We often hear this scripture read at weddings, but I once heard it at a funeral. It was the funeral of Datha, a dedicated member of Focus Church’s Dream Team. One of Datha’s lasting legacies was helping establish a meaningful partnership between our church and Sunshine Acres, an organization with a mission to provide loving, Christian homes for children separated from their parents. Sunshine Acres focuses on building long-term relationships with stable parental figures and preparing these children for success in adult life.
Datha’s impact was extraordinary. She helped us provide hundreds of birthday cards and gift cards for the children of Sunshine Acres—a tradition that Jan, another faithful member of our Dream Team, continues to this day. Both of these women embody the message of this scripture: they not only thought about the needs of others, but they also acted on those thoughts with love and generosity.
Living out this scripture is not always easy, but it’s powerful. It reminds us to prioritize others, to take action, and to leave behind a legacy that reflects God’s love.
If you’d like to support the incredible work Jan is doing for the children of Sunshine Acres, please reach out to me at, and I’ll connect you with her.
Ps. James