Focus314 Church

Day 19 – Unity

Read it: Romans 15:5-33

Live it:  In 2008, I had a chance to interview the Archbishop Desmond Tutu.  He won a Nobel Peace Prize for helping bring unity to Africa after the Apartheid. He was an amazing person who strived to be a peacemaker during his time on earth. 

I believe our world today is in desperate need of Christians who strive for unity.  

The Archbishop founded the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 1996, and they were responsible for investigating and addressing human rights violations committed during the Apartheid era while promoting forgiveness and unity. 

I asked the Archbishop where he got his courage from, and he said, “I got my courage from my faith and knowing that many were praying for me and that this is God’s world and justice will prevail in the end”. He went on to say that “he never doubted that the Apartheid would one day be defeated.” 

Our reading today and the Archbishop’s words are great reminders to us that through our faith and courage we can be peacemakers and help find unity in all situations. 

-Ps. James