Focus314 Church

Day 3 Elohim: The creator

Read it: Genesis 1

Live it: 

The first three words in the Hebrew text (the original language of the Old Testament) reads like this: Bereshith bara elohim. We know these words as “In the beginning God created…” The Hebrew word for god is El. Notice that the word “god” is without the capital letter. The reason for this is El is the general name for god, that is, any god in the many gods of the lands surrounding the Hebrew people. So, why then is the name used in the very first line of the Bible not the general name for god but a different form?

Elohim is the plural form for gods. Yet, this is confusing also. Do not the Hebrews serve only one god? Deuteronomy 6:4 clearly states the God of the Hebrews is “one.” So why the plural form? 

One connotation of the plural form shows God as the most supreme being. Thus, this is not a bunch of gods building the world like most other polytheistic worldviews propose. Instead, this is the “God of gods,” “the God as the supreme ruler,” and “the God who subjugates all other gods.” Here is the God who stands all by Himself! The God who created the heavens and the earth is also the God who stands all by Himself!

Let’s put that into our lives. Do you believe God created everything? Then, why are you not believing He can take care of your situation? The God who made the world, the bird, the sun, the water, the land, this God also has a vested interest in you. What are you afraid to ask God for? Or, have you been asking God over and over for something, and he seems silent? The God of gods knows all about that issue. The supreme God has no rivals. The God who subjugates all things is now drawing near to you to bring about all things into their appropriate place. Draw near to Him, and He will take care of you.
