Focus314 Church

Day 4: Jacob and Rachel/Leah

Read it: Genesis 29:1 – 30:24

Live it: 

The facts of Jacob, Rachel, and Leah are certainly full of drama. As you read this passage, you’ll find lying, anger, deceit, and other lessons of what NOT to do in a relationship. But one thing we can learn from it is that sometimes our plans do not turn out how we want them to. 

We may not know why. It may not be fair, but in this fallen world, relationships can be sticky. If you find that your relationship isn’t quite turning out how you had hoped, take heart in Rachel’s response. She never loses hope that God is in control, and she was grateful for what God gave her despite its not being exactly what she had hoped for.  

God’s way is perfect. You can trust that in your relationships today.

Ps. Jenni