Focus314 Church

Day 7: Choosing a King

Day 7: Choosing a King

Read it: 1 Samuel 16-17

Live it: 

Samuel anointed Saul as a leader, and Saul failed. This led Samuel to mourn constantly for him. Have you ever been there? Have you mourned for a situation or a person? I sure have. For me, I have had a problem with trying to fix others; however, I don’t have control over their actions, so it often has ended badly. Samuel had to learn something that has been life-changing for me and that’s to stop trying to fix others. 

You can pray for them and intercede for them, but you can never fix them; you can influence them, but you can never fix them. 

Samuel was left with the choice to leave the results to God, fill his flask with olive oil, and keep moving forward. God assured Samuel that he would deal with Saul, but that He had more pressing matters for Samuel to attend to. 

We see Samuel choose to move forward, and that decision still affects us today because the next king chosen was David. It still affects us today because David’s anointing was the beginning of a line of kings that would ultimately lead to Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Through the Davidic Covenant, God promised that David’s throne would be established forever! What a lasting impact Samuel’s choice to move forward had!

Ps. James