Focus314 Church

Day 8: A Man After God’s Heart

Day 8: A Man After God’s Heart

Read it: 2 Samuel 11-12:25 and Psalm 51

Live it: 

Have you ever heard David described as a man after God’s own heart? Being described as a man after God’s own heart is a great accomplishment, and it means that you know that God’s mercy and grace far exceed your flaws. 

We are all incredibly broken. Aren’t you thankful that the Bible is also full of people who are broken? These passages make no effort to hide David’s failures, and they show us that while it’s okay to be broken, it’s not okay to stay there. 

In today’s reading, notice how David is held accountable by someone he trusts. Do you have someone like Nathan in your life? This accountability helps shape David into becoming a man after God’s own heart, and that is reflected in the Psalm we end with today. 

Ps. James