Focus314 Church

Day 7: The crippled beggar (The Miracle of Healing)

Read it: Acts 3:1-8

Live it:  

This passage records the very first miracle of the church. Jesus had been crucified, resurrected, and ascended to heaven. He had left his followers with specific instructions: Go back to Jerusalem and wait there for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. They did what he told them to do, and the Holy Spirit came as promised. On the same day as the Holy Spirit came, 3,000 new people were added to the church.  

Sometime later, maybe a few days, maybe a week or so, maybe a month, we don’t really know, because the Scripture doesn’t tell us, Peter and John were going to the temple for the hour of prayer. They were confronted with a lame beggar at the Beautiful Gate of the temple. He wanted alms (a gift of money). Peter declared to him that Peter and John had no money, but they did have something they could give him. Out of the overflow of the Spirit, Peter and John were gifted to meet the real need of this lame man. The Holy Spirit empowered them to minister healing to this man, who responded to the healing, by not just walking, but by leaping, dancing, and shouting.  What a ruckus!  But when the praise goes up, the power comes down.

Ps. Rod