Day 9: Rest in the Lord
Read it: Psalm 23
Live it:
On day 9 of Binge the Bible we read the most famous of all Psalms. Many people know it by heart, and it has provided comfort and hope to many believers over the centuries. The author, King David, wrote it from his own experience when he was a teenager tending sheep. Unless you’ve spent time on a farm, it’s hard to imagine the importance of a shepherd. They lead sheep to pastures for food, sustain them by caring for them, protect their sheep in times of danger, and provide exactly what they need.
This is exactly how God looks at us. We are his sheep, and He is our shepherd. He is leading us, sustaining us, protecting us, and providing for us.
One way to recognize God as your shepherd is to think about some ways He has provided for you. Take some time today to consider all that God has provided for you, recently and over the years. Thank God for them and then ask Him to show you how to trust Him as your ultimate provider.
Ps. Jessica