Read It : Matthew 26:1-5, Matthew 26:14-16 NLT
Live It :
Today we are looking at Holy Wednesday, or some traditions call this Spy Wednesday.
Now there is some debate within theologian circles on what is recorded about this Wednesday, and it is because of the way Jesus says, “It is 2 days until the Passover.”
Which is on a Thursday, and one would automatically assume that it’s of course talking about Tuesday. But the debate stems from the way the Jewish culture would reckon time. Anything over 24 hours would be 2 days. So Passover starts at Sundown on Thursday, anything over 24 hours is 2 days.
Regardless of the exact timing, there is something powerful we can learn today. The reason that this is called Spy Wednesday is that this day is a turning point, a turning point in the week, and a turning point in history, a Spy is coming into the narrative.
The betrayal is set into motion. Judas went from a follower of Jesus to The Betrayer.
In my mind, I can’t help but think, “What in the world happened to him?”
How can you be so close to Jesus, that you give it all up and betray him? Did he just have a bad moment? Other disciples had bad moments. Peter denies knowing Jesus. James and John try to make themselves better than everyone else. Thomas was full of doubt. I know that I’ve had bad moments, and I know that you’ve had bad moments.
Did Judas just have the worst moment of all? No. Even if he sought out the leading priests, he still had time to make the bad moment right. He didn’t just have a bad moment.
He didn’t just flip a switch, “I love Jesus” to “I want to betray Jesus” It didn’t happen in a moment. It happened over time. He slipped into betrayal, one moment after another. He went from a bad moment to a BAD HEART. His heart had turned from Christ.
Proverbs 4:23
Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.
Guard your heart. Guard it like your life depends on it, because it does.
Turn off the news and guard it from all the negativity they are selling you.
Be mindful of who you follow on social media and guard yourself from the divisiveness they are selling.
Be incredibly selective with your friends, if they aren’t building you up, they aren’t truly your friends.
Guard your heart above all else.
Make this commitment with me. “I might have a bad moment, but my heart will always turn to Jesus. Above all else, I will guard my heart today.”