Read it: Proverbs 31:10-31
Live it:
Reading about the Proverbs 31 woman can be discouraging. I feel the weight of striving to be the “godly wife” described in it, and it can feel impossible. Looking at the craziness of the seasons of life, it can be difficult to connect the dots between my day-to-day messiness and the godly wife described here.
But here’s the good news: I simply think I have been reading it wrong. As I go back and reread these verses, my heart is lifted, and the weight is shifted! These words were never meant for us to live up to, but rather, they are the fruit produced from the gospel at work in our hearts. The beauty we see here is that there’s no pressure to do in order to be a Proverbs woman. You simply are because of Jesus and who he is.
Being the new creation we are in Christ means our willing hands in our home and with our husbands are not a symbol of being “less” but of our love for him. We can be clothed in strength and dignity and live without fear – laughing at the time to come because Jesus has secured our forever, and that is enough.
Pastor Jessica