Focus314 Church

Day 20: Christ and the Church

Read it: Ephesians 5:21-33

Live it: Submission–one of the hardest things a human could show. To submit is to give someone authority, be obedient, and more. In today’s reading, we will see how God calls us to submit to one another in reverence of him. I’m pretty sure some of us might think that there is no way I’m going to submit to my spouse. Some of us have past issues that still haven’t been resolved in our relationships. Some of us still have trust issues. But God is calling us to submission, just as the church submits to Christ.

When we submit to our spouse, we are showing honor and reverence to our God. We are also telling our partner that we love him/her with our actions. When we show submission, we are saying, I trust you. Submission is the ultimate sign of respect in our marriages. So let us love the way Christ loves the church. 

Ps. Franky