Read it – Ephesians 2:8-10, Romans 3:28, Galatians 6:7-9 NLT
Live it –
We want to begin today’s reading by defining what a sola is; “sola” is a Latin word that means “alone” or “only.”
We will be exploring all 5 of Martin Luther’s solas:
Sola Fide, which translates to ”faith alone”
Solus Christus, which translates to “Christ alone”
Sola Scriptura, which translates to “scripture alone”
Soli Deo Gloria, which translates to “glory to God alone”
Sola Gratia, which translates to “grace alone”
Our first scripture reading today reminded us that God’s grace is a gift that none of us can take credit for. This is what Martin Luther meant when he said Sola Gratia-– or grace alone. It means that grace is a gift,and it can’t be earned through human efforts, works, or merits.
Our scripture reading today concluded with the reminder that we are God’s masterpiece. As we begin our exploration of Martin Luther’s five solas, we want you to think about what life was like during Martin Luther’s time. He might have struggled with feeling like he was a masterpiece created by God. I don’t know about you, but when I get up in the morning, I don’t look in the mirror and see a masterpiece, maybe a Picasso but not a masterpiece.
However, I work hard every day, complete task after task, and put forth the effort to live up to the masterpiece He created me to be. However, if I get so focused on obtaining it by my own effort, I have to face the reality of the scripture we read today that “Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.”
So, I still put forth the effort, but I ask God for guidance on what I should put that effort towards. Increasingly, that effort is put toward habits of the spirit and away from the habits of the flesh. We end today’s devotional in Galatians where it tells us the consequences of our habits. Consider taking some time today to examine your habits and asking yourself if those habits will reap eternal life or destruction?
Pastor James