Read it – 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 NLT
Live it –
Today, we are in our second day of considering Martin Luther’s Sola Gratia (Grace alone). In yesterday’s Binge we read that Grace through Faith is our means of salvation. Grace gains us entry into the Kingdom of God. But what sustains us as we live life and try to navigate daily hardships and trials?
In today’s reading, Paul begins by briefly mentioning a vision he had of being caught up to the third heaven. While he asserts the truth of this experience, he refuses to boast about it. He chooses rather to boast in his weakness. He was given a thorn in the flesh (weakness) for the purpose of keeping him humble. What this thorn in the flesh was is not clear. We do not know whether it was a physical infirmity or a spiritual battle of some kind. In light of what Paul wrote about his personal war between the flesh and the spirit in Romans 7, I choose to believe it was the latter.
Paul prayed three times for the removal of this thorn. Verse 9 contains God’s answer to him: “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” God’s grace always proves sufficient. It is sufficient to save us. It is enough to sustain us even in severe circumstances like the ones Paul listed in verse 10. God’s grace sustained Paul in every circumstance of his life. God’s grace can and will sustain you in every circumstance of your life.
Pastor Rod