Focus314 Church

Day 9: The choice of two visions

Day 9: The choice of two visions 

Read it: Matthew 6:22-23 & Ephesians 4:1-3 

Live it:

At one point of our journey, we must decide if we will continue to live for the world or if we will live for Jesus? When we say, “Yes, Jesus, I want to follow you,” our vision will begin to shift and solely be on him, and he will show us how to live.

In today’s reading, we will give some examples on how to live as servants of the Lord. We are called to unite– not to quarrel. We are called to love– not to hate. We are called to be gentle to those who are hurting. Let the words you read today lead your vision to change. Jesus is calling. Are you ready to see things with him leading your vision?

Ps. Franky