Day 3 The Beginning of the Fulfillment

Read: Genesis 12, 15:1-20, 21-22:19 On Day 2 of Binge the Bible, we see the consequences of man’s sin, but we also see a promise given. Genesis 3:15 “And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike...

Day 2 Fall of Man

Read: Genesis 3:1-24 Genesis is the book of “beginnings.” In yesterday’s reading, we had the creation story. The beginning of the universe, the world, and life is described there. Today we are confronted with another beginning. It is the beginning of sin and death. We...

Day 1 Creation

Read: Genesis 1 & 2 “In the beginning..” Genesis, the first book of The Bible and of The Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament) provides a necessary foundation for the entire Bible. It preserves the only trustworthy record about “The Beginning” and...