Day 9 Rest in the Lord

Read: Psalm 23 In day 9 of Binge the Bible we read the most famous of all Psalms. Many people know it by heart and it has provided comfort and hope to many believers over the centuries. The author, King David, wrote it from his own experience when he was a teenager...

Day 8 A Man After God’s Heart

Read: 2 Samuel 11-12:25, Psalm 51 Have you ever heard David described as a man after God’s own heart? Being described as a man after God’s own heart is a great accomplishment and it means that you know that God’s mercy and grace far exceed your flaws. We are all...

Day 7 Choosing a King

Read: 1 Samuel 16-17 In day 6’s reading, we went through Judges and saw how important it is to have leaders that Follow God. In today’s reading, we see God telling Samuel to go and find a new king because He has rejected Saul. Israel needed a new king, one who...

Day 6 Judges

Read: Judges 4:1-7:25 The setting for the book of Judges is the post-conquest of Canaan (the praised land). Moses, arguably the greatest leader in the history of the world, has been dead for a long time. Joshua, the successor to Moses and leader of the conquest, is...

Day 4 Passover & 10 Commandments

Read: Exodus 12:1-42; 19:1-20:21 In yesterday’s reading we discovered that God has a plan for his people. The Israelites (descendants of Abraham through Isaac) had gone to Egypt to escape the effects of famine. They were in Egypt for over 400 years and became slaves...