Day 21

Day 21: Celebration  Read it: Psalms 100:1-5, Psalm 149:1-3 Live it:  In our American culture we get excited when our favorite sports teams win a game and spend days celebrating when they win a national championship. We wear the team colors, jump up and down, dance in...

Day 20

Day 20: Guidance  Read it: Psalm 119:105, Matthew 11:28-29 Live it:  Guidance is so important to have in our lives. And I love the idea of seeing it in the light of a spiritual discipline. It takes work to realize that we need help and to seek that guidance from wise...

Day 19

Day 19: Guidance Read it: Proverbs 3:5-6, Isaiah 55:8-9 Live it: If there is one thing that is true about me, and most likely true about you. I want what I want, and I want it when I want it. Unfortunately, I have learned that most of the time, my own thoughts and...

Day 18

Read it: Psalm 95:6-7, Acts 16:22-26 Live it: In today’s reading, we will see how there is power in worship and praise. In today’s reading, we will see Paul and Silas are sent to prison for setting a girl free from a demon. Her masters were so mad they beat Paul and...

Day 17

Read it: Psalm 150, John 4:23-24 Live it: Everyone worships something or someone. Some people worship money, some people worship artists and some people worship celebrities. The question I have for you today is who do you worship? You and I were created to worship the...

Day 16

Read it: James 5:16, Genesis 3:1-12 Live it: Why do we have a hard time being honest? Our reading in James tells us to confess our sins to each other, but how often do you do that? How often are you truly honest? The story of Adam tells us the answer in the dialogue...